COVID-19 Important Updates

We are navigating our way through the rapidly changing circumstances around COVID-19 and doing our best to implement necessary precautions for our employees, customers and suppliers during this time.

 At this time, and until further notice, all in-person meetings will be postponed or take place through a conference or video call if possible. Please reach out to your contact to arrange digital meetings. If you do not have contact information, please call the main office at 705-254-1644.

 Some of our locations are currently closed to the public. Please call prior to arriving as we will not be accepting any unexpected visitors. If you have travelled within the last 14 days, or have any symptoms of illness, please do not arrive at the office. Call ahead of your arrival and we will arrange a way to assist you over the phone.

 We will no longer accept resumes or applications in-person for the time being.


 Be Safe.

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